
For one of our customers I have the following problem:

- Multilingual Site
- Multi language menu but all items must be accesible in the default language of the site if they have not been translated.
- All items must be able to target content based on a visitor profile. The profile should not be defined by a role.
- some item menu target views

I tested several settings in the menu but without success only displayed the right menu items.

For viewing the menu according to the profile I thought I based on the module 'domain access' and different area for each profile.

I used the following modules:

- I18n for translation menu and content
- Domain for management under domain / profile
- Domain access to manage the visibility of a menu item depending on the profile
- views for the wiew with gmap
I' use this code to load my menu :

I'll do something wrong but what ???

$trail = menu_get_active_trail();

                          if( $trail[1]['menu_name'] == 'main-menu' ){
                             $idActiveRoot = $trail[1]['mlid']; // get the id of the first branch of my menu
                             $tree = menu_tree_all_data('main-menu'); // load my menu

                             foreach( $tree as $key => $menu  ){
                                   if( isset( $menu['link'] ) && $menu['link']['mlid'] == $idActiveRoot ){
                                       $subt = visibletw_getsubmenu($menu['below'] , 'main_menu_content');
                                       $menuhtml = my_theme_function_to_build_html($subt , many_options_class_and other);

