I've created a View in Page format.
I would like to add a comment form so anonymous users can post comments (exactly in the same fashion as you see on a normal Drupal Basic Page that has comments enabled).
I've toggled everything I can find on the Views edit page and can't seem to figure this out. Thank for any help.


VM’s picture


The above will allow you to insert views directly into a content type. Because views isn't a content types you can't utilize features associated with content types on views.

or you can investigate embedding views with: https://drupal.org/project/embed_views

or you can investigate: https://drupal.org/project/viewreference which allows you to reference views from within a content type

Anonymous’s picture

Thanks for the references. Simply knowing that a View Page can't have comments is a big help.

I initially had taken the approach of creating a Views Block and placing it in a Basic Page (Insert_Block module). There are a number of problems with doing this however:

1) You have to use ajax, the consequence of which is that once a person has used one of the links in your Views output (has left the Views Block page to a different node), and then hits the back button, the original format of the View is lost (say they had used a link on "page two" of the View's output). That means, when they return, what they see isn't the point from which they left.

2) When using Exposed Filters, the Reset button does not work with a View in a block. It adds something to the URL which ultimately ends up causing a redirection to a different page (the home page in my case).

3) When Exposed Filters are used (and settings are "remembered"), and a combination is chosen by the user that produces no results, and the user happens to refresh the page, the Exposed Filters disappear totally and there is no way to reactivate them (evidently other than closing out your browser session). Only blank content is shown where the View output should be.

All of those points, while possibly not the most common visitor behavior, create a poor user experience. It seems that the Block option of Views with the Exposed Filters option isn't really ready for prime-time use yet.

Thanks again for the references, hopefully I'll find the work around in them.