
at node 1877534, there is a "recipes" to make a block to show the "send a message" link. The making the view goes like this:

1. Create a view of users and fields.
2. Add a block.
3. Set "User: Uid" as the contextual filter. "Hide view" when the filter is not available. When the filter is available "Specify validation criteria" to be "User" and "only allow numeric UIDs."
4. Under the advanced settings, set argument input to "From context" and require the "User ID" from under User.
6. Under fields, remove the user name and add a "Privatemsg: Send privatemsg link" field.
7. Save the view.

I just cannot figure out how to do #4 "Under the advanced settings, set argument input to "From context" and require the "User ID" from under User".

I just dont see in Views 3 how to achieve this. Once there, I guess that in this same view I can add the Flag Friend link and the role of the user?
