Entity Translation API

Last updated on
27 February 2022

In Drupal 8 field language is no longer exposed in the public API, instead fields are attached to language-aware entity objects from which they "inherit" their language.

The major advantages here are:

  • We do not need to worry about field translatability, as this is taken care of by the entity object internally.
    // Determine the $active_langcode somehow.
    $translation = $entity->getTranslation($active_langcode);
    $value = $translation->field_foo->value;
  • We no longer need to pass around the active language, in fact we can just pass around the translation object, which implements EntityInterface and is actually a clone of the original object, just with a different internal language. This means in many cases the resulting code can be language-unaware (of course if it is not explicitly dealing with language).
    // Instantiate the proper translation object just once and pass it around
    // wherever it is needed. This is typically taken care of by core
    // subsystems and in many common cases an explicit retrieval of the
    // translation object is not needed.
    $langcode = Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguage(Language::TYPE_CONTENT);
    $translation = $entity->getTranslation($langcode);
    function entity_do_stuff(EntityInterface $entity) {
      $value = $entity->field_foo->value;
      // do stuff
  • We have now a reusable entity language negotiation API, that can be used to determine the entity translation that is most appropriate for a certain context:
    // Simplified code to generate a renderable array for an entity.
    function viewEntity(EntityInterface $entity, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL) {
      // The EntityRepositoryInterface::getTranslationFromContext() method will
      // apply entity language negotiation logic to the whole entity object
      // and will return the proper translation object for the given context.
      // The $langcode parameter is optional and indicates the language of the
      // current context. If it is not specified the current content language
      // is used, which is the desired behavior during the rendering phase.
      // Note that field values are left alone in the process, so empty values
      // will just not be displayed.
      $langcode = NULL;
      $translation = $this->entityRepository->getTranslationFromContext($entity, $langcode);
      $build = entity_do_stuff($translation, 'full');
      return $build;

    We can also specify an optional $context parameter, which can be used to describe the context where the translation object will be used:

    // Simplified token replacements generation code.
    function node_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data = array(), array $options = array()) {
      $replacements = array();
      // If no language is specified for this context we just default to the
      // default entity language.
      if (!isset($options['langcode'])) {
        $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_DEFAULT;
      // We pass a $context parameter describing the operation being performed.
      // The default operation is 'entity_view'.
      $context = array('operation' => 'node_tokens');
      $translation = \Drupal::service('entity.repository')->getTranslationFromContext($data['node'], $langcode, $context);
      $items = $translation->get('body');
      // do stuff
      return $replacements;

    The logic used to determine the translation object to be returned is alterable by modules. See LanguageManager::getFallbackCandidates() for more details.

The actual field data is shared among all the translation objects and changing the value of an untranslatable field automatically changes it for all the translation objects.

  $entity->langcode->value = 'en';
  $translation = $entity->getTranslation('it');
  $en_value = $entity->field_foo->value; // $en_value is 'bar'
  $it_value = $translation->field_foo->value; // $it_value is 'bella'

  $entity->field_untranslatable->value = 'baz';
  $translation->field_untranslatable->value = 'zio';
  $value = $entity->field_untranslatable->value; // $value is 'zio'

In any moment a translation object can be instantiated from the original object or another translation object through the EntityInterface::getTranslation() method. If the active language is explicitly needed, it can be retrieved through EntityInterface::language(). The original entity can be retrieved through EntityInterface::getUntranslated().

  $entity->langcode->value = 'en';

  $translation = $entity->getTranslation('it');
  $langcode = $translation->language()->getId(); // $langcode is 'it';

  $untranslated_entity = $translation->getUntranslated();
  $langcode = $untranslated_entity->language()->getId(); // $langcode is 'en';

  $identical = $entity === $untranslated_entity; // $identical is TRUE

  $entity_langcode = $translation->getUntranslated()->language()->getId(); // $entity_langcode is 'en'

EntityInterface has now several methods that make easier to deal with entity translations. If a piece of code needs to act on every available translation, it can exploit EntityInterface::getTranslationLanguages():

  foreach ($entity->getTranslationLanguages() as $langcode => $language) {
    $translation = $entity->getTranslation($langcode);

There are also methods to add a translation, remove it or check for its existence:

  if (!$entity->hasTranslation('fr')) {
    $translation = $entity->addTranslation('fr', array('field_foo' => 'bag'))->save();

  // Which is equivalent to the following code, although if an invalid language
  // code is specified an exception is thrown.
  $translation = $entity->getTranslation('fr');
  $translation->field_foo->value = 'bag';

  // Accessing a field on a removed translation object causes an exception to
  // be thrown.
  $translation = $entity->getTranslation('it');
  $value = $translation->field_foo->value; // throws InvalidArgumentException

When entity translations are added to or removed from the storage the following hooks are fired respectively:

  • hook_entity_translation_insert()
  • hook_entity_translation_delete()

Field language can still be retrieved by calling the proper method on the field object itself:

  $langcode = $translation->field_foo->getLangcode();

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