responsive_menus 8.x-1.0-alpha1

Initial WIP for Drupal 8 & 9.
Context integration is NOT working. See #3212993 to help out.

responsive_menus 7.x-1.7

Security update

Fixes XSS vulnerability in the menu toggle text.
This vulnerability was mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have a role with the permission "administer responsive menus".

Updating to the new version will sanitize the configuration input.

responsive_menus 7.x-1.6

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #2605706: Duplicate ID's generated by markie: Duplicate ID's generated

Issue #2279861: Please remove !important on borders by ghuygens, bonbonjoy: Please remove !important on borders

responsive_menus 7.x-1.4

Bug fixes
New features

Clear Context's plugin cache on enable (prevented RM reaction from showing until caches were cleared).

Performed much needed update to 'Simple' style.
CSS updates that should help keep it from looking like crap in certain themes.
JS updates to recursively remove classes from elements with setting.

Update to responsive_menus.api.php
--Added information about hook_responsive_menus_styles_alter().
--Very thorough information about options.
--Includes 2 very different examples of usage.

responsive_menus 7.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

Added hook_responsive_menus_style_info() to declare new styles.

Params when declaring:
name        : Name displayed when choosing style.
form        : Drupal FAPI callback for admin form.
js_folder   : Folder to include any .js files from.
css_folder  : Folder to include any .css files from.
js_files    : Array of individual JS files to include.
css_files   : Array of individual CSS files to include.
js_settings : Function to generate settings to pass to JS.
  • Included style: 'responsive_menus_simple_style' now has option to configure text on toggler.
  • Add option for simple style to use absolute positioning.
  • Add responsive_menus.api.php to show easy plugin integration.
  • Added MeanMenu style!
  • Moved Simple style into new styles directory along with Mean Menu.
  • Issue #2059081: AJAX calls sometimes duplicate the menu (Mean Menus) by pjcdawkins: Fixed AJAX calls sometimes duplicate the menu (Mean Menus).
  • Fix issue with Omega 4 (and other themes that may use * { box-sizing: border-box; }
  • Remove console.log('Been clicked'); from Mean Menu's own js.
  • Context module integration!
  • Ability to have multiple rule sets defined (using context).
  • Fix window.resize function bound more than once on ajax in simple style.

responsive_menus 7.x-1.2

New features
  • Lift 'ul' restrictions on responsive_menus_simple.css to allow any element to be affected.
  • Refactor responsive_menus_simple.js to handle pages w/ ajax events.
  • Add 'administer responsive menus' permission
  • Add help page & information.

responsive_menus 7.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

Handle nested menus.
Unlock menu width.
Remove bottom border on last li.
Add option to ignore on admin/ pages.

responsive_menus 7.x-1.x-dev

New features

Use this branch for the latest features.
It will be kept in a stable state, don't worry about it breaking your site(s).

November 21st 2013 Update (7.x-1.x-dev)

-Sidr added!
-New message above a style's settings indicating which selector should be used (typically ul or parent of ul).
-Made it possible to circumvent jquery_update requirement by selecting "I will provide my own jQuery library." on the settings page.

Known issues with Sidr style:

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