We want the "Edit" tab to load the revision editing form for the revision being previewed in SPS. We also want the "Panelizer" tab to load the panel for the correct revision too.

Need to check if panelizer is creating node revisions for changes in panels, it looks like it clones the panel when a new revision is created for the node, but this seems to be insufficient since editors may want to make changes to the panelizer panel and have those changes assigned to a collection rather than having the changes to take effect immediately, even if the node doesn't have any draft revisions. Thoughts?

Any clues on how to implement this? And also should go as a patch for enabling this optional features?


recidive’s picture

Alright, the Panelizer issues is being worked out here:

#2053721: Saving panelizer for a new node revision should clone the display
#2055275: Option to create revision for entity when display is modified

I'm still getting the wrong revision loaded when editing a revision that's being previewed in SPS.