then the graphics appear.

This happens upon every visit to a web page. This happens even when the pages load quickly. I understand if this happens with my first visit, but shouldn't the graphics load immediately upon the second visit to the web page as the images are now stored in the Temp file? This may be a limitation of the PC that I am using, but I would appreciate an explanation of why this may be happening.

But I love what I've seen and heard so far! :)



al’s picture

You load the page. Then you load its images. Until you've loaded the page, you can't know which images you want and where they'll go. It all makes sense to me.

If you mean you get a flash of unstyled page, then suddenly all the fonts change and images appear, that's probably an IE bug you've run into. Google for FOUC.

moshe weitzman’s picture

this poster is suggesting that his images should be coming from cache upon successive visits to the same pages. and he is right.

check your browser settings. In IE, you need to go to Tools -> Options -> General tab -> Temporary Internet Files section -> Settings -> Check for newer pages Automatically. Then restart IE and see if this fixes things.

If this problem doesn't happen for you at but does happen on your own drupal site, then your web server may be misconfigured and sending bad http headers.

Steven’s picture

Perhaps it is the 'flash of unstyled content' problem in IE when you use @import for your stylesheets. IE will load the stylesheet a split second after the page, and will display it first without stylesheet. It happens here for as well if I view it with IE6SP1.