On the homepage of www.cityvision.edu, I'm attempting to use the YouTube Javascript API with the Media: Youtube module's embedded videos, using SWFObject API (drupal.org/project/swfobject_api) to handle the rendering of the videos.

Here's my code:

window.onYouTubePlayerReady = function(playerId) {
    alert("YouTube player ready.");
    ytplayer1 = $("#media-youtube-default-external-1");
    ytplayer2 = $("#media-youtube-default-external-2");
    ytplayer3 = $("#media-youtube-default-external-3");
    ytplayer1.addEventListener("onStateChange", "onytplayerStateChange");
    ytplayer2.addEventListener("onStateChange", "onytplayerStateChange");
    ytplayer3.addEventListener("onStateChange", "onytplayerStateChange");

function onytplayerStateChange(newState) {
  alert("Player's new state: " + newState);

Could someone help me figure out why none of this code appears to be firing?