BouwAlmanak is a Dutch construction website where you can find buildingprojects, constructors, architects or all other construction related companies in your area. You can find these companies on a map by entering the distance around your postal code or city in which you want to search for a specific type of company. You can also find the latest news and DIY tips on our website.

Why Drupal was chosen: 

We chose Drupal because we knew from the start that our website was not a simple website and not all our ideas where plug and play. We have got some experience with Drupal before and we knew the community is very helpfull and about every small question a thread can be found. Many, many modules can be found on as well as themers and developers.

Drupal was also chosen because of the most important part of our website which is the searching on distance for companies and projects, this was possible with geofield and openlayers.

For Drupal many many tutorials can be found online, about geofield, openlayers views and all other modules a tutorial can be found.

Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 

Location search

The main goal for the project was to make it possible to search for construction related companies on a map, the subgoal was to let construction companies be able to post their most recent projects. These projects also needed to be found on a map. We have achieved this by using geofield and openlayers.

Mobile useable
We wanted a website which was responsive in order to be able to use on smartphones and tablets, this was achieved by using a responsive theme.

Straight forward
We wanted the website to look straight forward, visitors and companies of the website need to see immediately where they can find what they need.

Technical specifications

Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 


Openlayers is probably the most important module which has been used on our website, we made the location proximity search possible by using adressfield, this adressfield is geoceoded by geofield and this geocode is shown on the map by Openlayers.

Since our knowledge of html and css is very limited we would not have been able to built this website without using views. Approximiatly 20 views can be found on our website, for example:
-Faq pages
-Portfolio pages
-News pages
-User pages

Since all users on our website have different pages which they can create a customizable menu was needed in order to make the site straight forward for all the role users. Quickbar makes it possible for each logged on user to have a different menu.

Node limit
Every company is allowed to create only one company page, node limit makes this possible.

Moneyscripts membership suite
Because the construction companies have to pay to publish their company page and projects on our website membership suite has been used. This module makes it possible to assign roles to users after they have transfered their contribution amount.

Community contributions: 

Not many community contributions have been made since almost everything was allready asked on the drupal forums.

Team members: 
Project team: 

Our project team consisted of me, and freelance drupal developers. I have used for theming several pages and for problems with my openlayers map I have contacted Pol who is a professional in openlayers. has also been used for hosting since the website was very slow because of all the views which have been used. Because of a limit budget an own server was not possible therefore was chosen they use omega8cc.

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