I have a list of all the schools in Sweden. Each school belongs to one of six categories, is within a commune which is within a region, has a name and an address.
When schools sign up to the site I am building, when approved, they will be redirected to a registration form that includes profile2 fields. I want them to drill down to their school by selecting region, commune, type of school which then offers them a small list of choices of schools to select. On selecting the school, the address autocompletes. This is important so that the data is consistent for further use. I have this data on lines in a spreadsheet(csv). As far as I can see to get this into Drupal using the taxonomy csv import, I would have to organise the data as follows

Junior school
Junior school, north region,
Junior school, north region, main commune,
Junior school, north region, main commune, happy days junior school
Junior school, north region, main commune, happy days junior school, 1 high street data.

This seems a bit unwieldy. I am hoping that someone here can suggest me the best way to manage this. Maybe it is better to build entities...but then no hierarchical select. Another way that I am considering is to normalise the data in a database and import using Feeds Import. So that each level of the hierarchy has a 'foreign key'.