Using the Entity API module makes this fairly straightforward. Let's say there's an entity type called "Contact" [contact] and a bundle called 'contact_simple'.

Creating new entities is as easy as:

  $entity_type = 'contact';
  $entity = entity_create($entity_type, array('type' => 'contact_simple'));
  $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($entity_type, $entity);

Once the entity is created the properties can be changed:

$wrapper->uid = 9;

And any attached field:

$wrapper->field_full_name->set("John doe");

Alternatively, field values can be set directly as the EntityMetadataWrapper class (provided by EntityAPI) implements PHP's magic __set() method. For example:

$wrapper->field_full_name = "John doe";

Just remember to save it when all changes are made:


That's it!