Hello All-

I'm working on site with Organic Groups and I recently discovered the fantastic ability to add views as additional tabs to my group home page. Awesome. Works perfectly - adds the tab and keeps user within the group but I am having a problem with the $group variable getting escaped by any link coming off the view (for instance from a more link) - turning it into %24group. Drupal doesn't know how to handle the link and now I get page cannot be found. It seems like the tab works but any other links don't handle the argument. I have all the correct settings (I think) according to Merlin's notes - Group Nid is the first argument... I have $group in the wildcard sub as well - should I have it elsewhere? I'm also filtering on Content in Group.

This is really great feature and I'd like to use it but it is hard if the user is going to run into Page Cannot Be Displayed all the time...

Thanks in advance for your help-



Christefano-oldaccount’s picture

Others including myself have noticed this too. Check http://drupal.org/node/200325 to find empathy and advice.

j_orbin’s picture
