Thanks a lot for the great form builder module.

For a project I'm working on I would like to be a able to merge some component property tabs and replace some properties.

What I would like to accomplish is to get a properties tab and an advanced properties tab and place the display and validation properties within these 2 tabs.

On the webform component edit page I can re-arrange form-items in fields with hook_form_webform_component_edit_form_alter.

When I enable the form builder this doesn't work anymore and the fieldsets are placed in tabs with javascript.

Is there a way to rearrange the tabs or still use hook_form_alter before the properties get replaced?

Thanks a lot


quicksketch’s picture

I believe all properties are assigned their group through the $element['#form_builder']['property_group'] property. You can modify this value in hook_form_alter() to move the element to a new group. If you want to make a new group entirely, you can do this by implementing hook_form_builder_property_groups(). There is an example of doing this in both form_builder_webform.module and in the form_builder.api.php file.