themer 5.x-1.4

New features

- Changed defaults to path body class func only

themer 6.x-2.0-1

Bug fixes

- Fixed permission issue allowing anyone with 'access content' to change settings

themer 6.x-2.0

New features

- Added token support for node and global tokens.

themer 5.x-1.2-1

New features
Bug fixes

- Fixed issue when path segments contain spaces or + characters.
- Strings are now converted to lower case.

themer 5.x-1.1-0

New features

path aggregation feature and prefixed path classes with 'path-'

themer 5.x-1.0-5

New features

added themer_class_date_prox();
readme documentation
removed un-needed $range var in locale class.

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