I have a Drupal 6 site with Views 2. When I upgrade to Drupal 7 and Views to version 3 some of the fields stop working, for instance imagefield. Before upgrading Views module I've upgraded the fields with content migrate. Is there any way to migrate the old D6 fields to D7 in the views?


VM’s picture

are you sure that update.php was run?

guardiola86’s picture

Yes, I've run update.php. The old fields like imagefield are converted, but not in the views.

VM’s picture

based on: http://drupal.org/project/views there may be a bug when upgrading from 2.x to 3.x that hasn't been able to be fixed. Rebuilding your views may be the only way forward.

guardiola86’s picture

I have too many views to recreate them manually, is there any way to at least save some time and just add the missing fields?