- Here is most important page of Drupal installation process.

- As you can see there are few fields. Lets explore them one by one:

    1. Site name: Here you can enter your website name but by default its 'localhost'.
    2. Site e-mail address: This is an email id which is used by an organization to send their official emails. For ex.: info@companyname.com
    3. Username: Name of core user is expected in this field. Best practice is to mention 'admin' in this field. Because admin has all the rights to manage the site.
    4. E-mail address: Can be anything. You can provide your personal email id also.
    5. Password: Admin password. Necessary for managing whole site.
    6. Confirm password: Confirm password for checking whether you typed it properly or not.

- Scroll down and click 'Save and continue' button.

configure site

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Step-14 Configure site.jpg152.31 KB


arthur_mak’s picture


Trying to install Drupal 8.3.3 on WAMP.

After entering database information, the install process skipped the configuring sites.

What is the logon username and password to logon.
