Site displays WSD ..

drush commands ('drush cc', 'drush cron') all display the following error message:

Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [error]
Error: Class 'EntityTranslationTaxonomyTermHandler' not found in
line 1710

The list of modules updated with this update are:
Code updates will be made to the following projects:
Entity API [entity-7.x-1.1],
Entity Translation [entity_translation-7.x-1.0-beta2],
Features [features-7.x-2.0-beta2],
Field group [field_group-7.x-1.1],
Libraries API [libraries-7.x-2.1],
Linkit [linkit-7.x-2.6],
NodeStream Core [ns_core-7.x-2.0-rc5],
Speedy [speedy-7.x-1.7],
Title [title-7.x-1.0-alpha7],
Token [token-7.x-1.5],
Universally Unique IDentifier [uuid-7.x-1.0-alpha4],
Views [views-7.x-3.7]

Following the error, and peeking at entity_translation.module, I see the following code fragment:

  if (!isset($handlers[$entity_type][$entity_id])) {
    $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
    $class = $entity_info['translation']['entity_translation']['class'];
    // @todo remove fourth parameter once 3rd-party translation handlers have
    // been fixed and no longer require the deprecated entity_id parameter.
    $handler = new $class($entity_type, $entity_info, $entity, NULL);

The last line above is line 1710 being flagged in the error message ..


cnergis’s picture


I restored the entity_translation module from the backup taken before drush update, and I still have the very same problem ..

So, I went ahead and restored all modules updated in the last drush update, but the problem remained ..

In the end the only solution that has worked .. well somehow is:
-- restore all updated modules
-- delete entity_translation module
-- run drush update again ..

Only outstanding problem is that the two modules that depend on entity_translation (field translation and translator workflow) are left with unresolved dependencies .. BUT, I don't use translation on this site, so I suppose I could live with that for now ..