On this page:


The RedHen project contains most of the RedHen modules, but if you want the RedHen Membership module, it is a separate project. You can see a list of requirements broken down by module here.

Getting Started

RedHen CRM is similar to Drupal Commerce in its modular structure. As with Drupal Commerce, the core RedHen modules all come in a single package, but can be enabled independently. The downloaded modules will not provide you with a working CRM right out of the box: you will need to enable and configure the modules that you determine you will need.

If you would like to explore RedHen CRM, you can check out our demonstration RedHen CRM installation profile.

This install profile builds out a simple example of how RedHen could be leveraged to support the CRM needs of a (fictional) pet shelter.

Basic Tour

Once you have RedHen installed and enabled, there are four important places to find RedHen settings and data on your site.

1. Settings


The following settings are available when the full suite of RedHen modules is enabled:

  • Treat RedHen paths as administrative
    Enabling this will cause the RedHen CRM user interface to use the administrative theme for your site. CRM data can be quite dense, and this can make RedHen a lot easier to look at for your users.
  • Connect users to Redhen contacts
    If you enable this, whenever a RedHen contact is created or updated, RedHen will look for a Drupal User with the same email address as the contact. If one is found, RedHen will tie the Drupal User to the RedHen Contact. If the User has the proper permissions, this will also allow them to update their own RedHen Contact record's fields.
  • Mirror RedHen Contact email to Drupal user
    When this is enabled, any Drupal User that is tied to a RedHen Contact will have its email address automatically updated to match the RedHen Contact's primary email address whenever that address is changed. This also causes the Email Address field on the Drupal User's page to be greyed-out, such that it can only be edited on the connected RedHen Contact. Because of this, it is recommended that when you enable this option, you also give your Authenticated Users the permission to "Access Own RedHen Contact".
  • Automatically enable memberships on their Start date
    This activates a cron task to set Membership states to Active when appropriate.
  • Automatically expire memberships on their Expiration date
    This activates a cron task to set Membership states to Inactive when appropriate.

2. Structure


This is where you configure the data structure for your RedHen CRM instance. You can create and customize any RedHen entity types you have enabled from here, such as Contact Types or Notes.

You will need to visit this page before you add any data to your CRM for Contacts, Organizations, Engagement Scores, or Membership Types to instantiate a Type (Bundle) for any of these Entities that you want to use. This is also where you go to add custom fields to Notes.

The interface for configuring these data types is Drupal's standard entity-configuration interface, including tabs for managing custom fields and view modes.

You can learn more about configuring each Entity in the appropriate Module section below.

3. Permissions


Most of the permissions are self-explanatory, but here are some functionality-related permissions that are particularly important or unusual:

  • Access RedHen, Manage RedHen %, Access RedHen %
    Unless you give some of these permission to your Users, RedHen won't be terrible useful, but be careful not to provide access to any roles for Constituents with login access.
  • Administer RedHen % Types
    This is how you give your Users access to the Structure area for a given Entity Type. Handle with care.
  • Access Own Redhen Contact, Edit Own RedHen Contact
    These are useful when you link RedHen Contacts to Drupal Accounts. If you want your Constituents to be able to edit their own RedHen contact data, be sure to enable both of these.

4. RedHen CRM User Interface

This is the central point for accessing all RedHen data. This landing page will have links allowing Users to view, manage, add, and search instances of whatever RedHen content entities are enabled on your system. If a user has the appropriate Permissions, they will also see a "Settings" or a "Structure" link to jump into the RedHen CRM Settings or Structure pages. This is the area of the site impacted by the Treat RedHen paths as administrative setting, which you should strongly consider enabling.