hi everyone,

the below code works.

  function getNodeCount($tid)
      $sql = "select count(1) as num"
          . "  from term_node"
          . " where tid = $tid";
      return ($acount = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql)))? $acount->num : 0;

  function getChildTerms($parent, $vid)
      $sql = "select td.tid, td.vid, td.name"
        . "  from term_data td"
        . "  join term_hierarchy th on th.tid = td.tid"
        . " where th.parent = $parent"
        . "  and td.vid = $vid"
        . " order by td.weight, td.name";
    $terms = db_query($sql);
    $output = "";
    while ($aterm = db_fetch_object($terms))
        $output .= "<li><a href='taxonomy/term/$aterm->tid/0/feed'></a> "
                .  "<a href='taxonomy/term/$aterm->tid'>$aterm->name</a> ("
                .  getNodeCount($aterm->tid).")</li>\n"
                .  getChildTerms($aterm->tid, $vid);
    return ($output != "")? "<ul>\n" . $output . "</ul>\n" : "";

 $sql = "select vid, name from vocabulary where name in ('directory', 'shopping') order by name"; 
  $vocabularies = db_query($sql);
  $output = "";
  while ($avoc = db_fetch_object($vocabularies))
      $output .= "<li><strong>$avoc->name</strong></li>\n"
              .  getChildTerms(0, $avoc->vid);
  print "<div class='taxonomy_tree'><p><ul>\n" . $output . "</ul></p></div>\n"; 

but i don't want to get ChildTerms..rather NodeCount should be there but with the parent vocabulary names.Join with tid and vid (of three tables--vocabulary,term_data and term_node) is required.but i don't know how to use them.



neet_khuranas’s picture

Any help is appreciated to solve this problem.