I want to change the appearance of the read more button on a ddblock slideshow. The button is, I believe, a graphic called readmore.png and on my installation there are two copies, one in /sites/all/modules/ddblock/images and the other in /sites/all/themes/mytheme/custom/modules/ddblock/upright10/images

I have tried to check the location using firebug but I cannot seem to select the image (presumably as the slideshow is operating). Anyway I have replaced both images with ones named the same but of a different colour but the button does not change! Is the button stored anywhere else?

Sorry to ask such an elementary question.


Phinkalily’s picture

The default button is in the module, the readmore image to override is in the slideshow theme.
When replacing the readmore image in /sites/all/themes/mytheme/custom/modules/ddblock/upright10/images it should work.

Maybe the only thing you need to do is clear the cache in the browser when you already changed the image in the above mentioned directory.

With CTRL R you can refresh the page in the browser, to reload all images.
You can also try to use another browser to reload the page.

Hope this helps you further.