If you enter your location first, click the nearest location, then click the directions link, you get directions as expected. If you select a location, then press the directions link, then input your starting location, pressing get directions button does nothing.

Steps to recreate:
1) Go to URL
2) Select a location
3) In the map, press directions link
4) In the left section, there is a field to enter the address and a button to "Get Directions"
5) Enter starting location
6) Press Get Directions
7) See that nothing happens


RKS’s picture

Actually, pressing enter after entering the start location returns the correct directions as expected, however, pressing the button does nothing. So in step 6 above, if you hit the enter key, you get directions.

michfuer’s picture

I'm not sure how to reproduce this. If I choose a location, then get directions, then enter a starting location, the auto-complete won't allow me to get to the 'Find Directions' button. Like you said, if I hit enter the directions are displayed fine, and if I select an auto-complete option and then click out of the panel (to reveal the 'Find Directions' button) again the directions are displayed fine.

Does seem like the 'Find Directions' button is not all that useful though...

BigEd’s picture

It does look like the directions button is broken when in fact the information is not supplied. Like you say if you search correctly first this works with out issue.

Perhaps the solution is if the box is not filled out with the correct from location under the directions button it flashes an error for the user to fill this in. With out it the user is left clicking the button thinking its broken.

BigEd’s picture

Or would it be better not to just ask the user for all the details up front.

We have a to search stores against

Why don't we add a from user location field?

RKS’s picture


I do see what you mean by selecting the autofill from Google it will display the results without having to press the button. However, when I click out of the auto-fill, and try to press the button, it still does nothing. I can provide a screencast if you really need it.


I don't understand what you're saying. I have a from location field. Unless we're calling the same thing something different?

RKS’s picture

Also, sorry for all those duplicates. Something must have been wonky on my end when I was submitting the issue and I guess I must have clicked several times or something.

michfuer’s picture

@RKS: No worries about the duplicates :) So what I'm experiencing is the following:

1) After GSL initial page load choose a location in the panel.
2) Select the 'Directions' link in the infoWindow.
3) Enter a starting location. The auto-complete starts working and hides the 'Find Directions' button. If I choose a location from the auto-complete drop down, and click some empty space to reveal the button, the directions are automatically generated by the act of clicking out.

Have you noticed any JavaScript errors? There might be some differences in our configurations that's causing this.

RKS’s picture

Yeah the button never disappears for me. The autocomplete does fire and I start getting a list of options. Selecting from the list automatically generates directions (I don't have to click out like you mention above), however, if I DON'T select from that list, the button is still there and it does nothing.

I have some time to play with this tonight so I'm going to test both versions you have up right now and see if there is a difference in behavior and I'll keep a look out for any js errors. I can say I haven't see anything come across the other tests I've run but I'll get a little more thorough.

I'll post back after I run some tests.

RKS’s picture

lol. You mean the dropdown list covers the button and "hides" it, right? I was thinking you meant something like the js is adding a display: none or something when you start typing. If that is the case, then yes, the list covers the button so you do have to click out in order to get back to the button.

What you're saying is if you select from the autocomplete list it generates directions. This is true on my end as well. What I'm reporting is that if you DON'T select from the autocomplete list the button won't do anything.

I'm still going to run some test and will report back.

pepsimxm’s picture
