
First of all I would like to thank you for this awesome theme!

I have a minor 'bug' or perhaps I just don't know how, but how can you translate the 'Intro Text' in this theme?

Here is the website I am working on: http://pcillimite.com/titi/

As you can see, if you alternate between french and english, pretty much everything is translated except 'A company that meets your Needs'. If I put the site in french it stays the same.

I have been able to translate everything with the l10n_client module, except this particular Intro Text that does not appear in the list of translatable items.

My first thought was that maybe this block is not set to be translatable but I can not even find this Intro Text in the blocks section.

Thanks in advance,



compuwize’s picture

Well I have been able to fix this issue by myself by doing as follow:

I have created a new variable called $intro_text2 in the page.tpl.php file and added the following lines:

 if (false !== strpos($url,'fr')) {
          print '<div class="intro"><div class="intro-text">' . $intro_text2 . '</div></div>';} 
		  else {
		  print '<div class="intro"><div class="intro-text">' . $intro_text . '</div></div>';}

So basically when the string 'fr' is contained in the URL, it shows the intro_text2, which is the text in the french version. And since I only have english as the other language, I just put an 'else' statement that show the intro_text which is the text in the english version.

I did pretty much the same to show a different company logo depending on the language of the page.