Just gave a test with login_security.

Settings: 3 max user attempts. 6 max host (soft block) attempts. Checked off "Notify the user about the number of remaining login attempts" (due in part to issue #1230558: Warning/Notification message not appearing).

Each of the first three attempts gave me a notification about remaining attempts (you have used x of 3 blah blah). However, on the fourth, I get no message whatsoever, simply the username input box becomes highlighted red.


jurerickporras’s picture

it seems that the core error of drupal not showing up.,
in login_security_module, i created the function display_drupal_error

function display_drupal_error($messages){
	$output = '';
	foreach ($messages as $type => $msg) {
		if (count($msg) > 1) {
		  $output .= " <ul>\n";
		  foreach ($msg as $message) {
			if(!preg_match('/Notice/', $message)){ //do not display the notice messages
				$output .= '  <li>' . $message . "</li>\n";
		  $output .= " </ul>\n";
		else {
		  $output .= $msg[0];
	drupal_set_message($output, 'error');

then,somewhere in line #236 put this code:

if(!variable_get('login_security_disable_core_login_error', LOGIN_SECURITY_DISABLE_CORE_LOGIN_ERROR)){

it will show all the drupal errors, except for the notice(s) messages.