Does anyone use NuSphere's PHPEd to comfortably dubug modules in drupal? or any other IDEs? And if so how did you set it up?


moshe weitzman’s picture

i use activestate komodo which is available for linux and windows. when on OSX, I use and its built in debug client which is command line but better than nothing.

watching drupal run in a debugger is the absolute best way for a new person to learn the drupal codebase.

jbesad01’s picture


I tried komodo and followed its debugging setup instructions below and everything is working great.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."-- F.A. Hayek

reggie75’s picture

thanks, i got komodo up too, and got it debugging "remote php scripts" ..

what i cant figure out is:

i can set breakpoints in the index.php file, and the control breaks there - but how do i set breakpoints in the module file using the IDE?

one way i know is inserting the line "xdebug_break();" where you want the break, but is there another way to do it using the IDE? I tried just opening the file and setting a breakpoint in the left but it didnt seem to work ..

thanks in advance!

liquidcms’s picture

I have just started using Drupal this weekend.. and sure enough as with any OS CMS... need to hack things. I use the DBG debugger; used in phpED and phpEdit (and likely others).

Wasn't expecting things to go to smoothly debugging drupal but i have it "mostly" working.

right out of the box it wouldn't work:

- usually i debug with local SRV server; that didnt work
- switched to cgi in external browser and that sort of worked
- had to comment out some EVAL line in>drupal_add_link() about checking php version
- then running through modules (i think maybe cuz of extension not being php) i couldn't do "run to cursor" but i could hit breakpoints

only been at it for a couple hours so that's as far as i have gotten ... hopefullly i will get to a cleaner solution soon.

I am more familiar with Tikiwiki as a CMS... it debugs with no problem.

mjohnq3’s picture

Does anyone use Zend (ver 4 or 5) to write and debug modules. How would you set it up? Thanks.

yueyuezhou’s picture

I am able to debug (hold down cntl key in the internal browser), but the out put always show me the default front page.
It's OK just navigate (not hold down cntl key in the internal browser).