Hey all,

as this is my first website on Drupal, i would really like to hear your feedback about the work done. If you have any suggestions, remarks or even criticism, please feel free to let me know.



if you think the site is cool, please also like us on facebook, that would really help to get more publicity.



jhofer’s picture

I like your site! Nice design and content.

One thing I noticed: When you like one of the comments, all of them are 'liked' You should either have one like for the page or individual like buttons for each node (try addtoany module).

nor111’s picture

thanks :) i appreciate your comment, also have fixed the facebook bug.

tgsb’s picture

Site looks cool...Your site has good color combination. I want to suggest one thing only to you that you can design much better layout than this. Otherwise your site looks nice.

nor111’s picture

thx for the comment, what would be your suggestion for a much better layout? what should be changed in your opinion?

Kred.pl’s picture

I also like your site. The one thing, I would improve, is css styling of some buttons. For example, on the homepage you might add some additional css styling to 'START APPLICATION" button. You may use "cursor: hand;" markup - this will let know the users that this button is clickable.

The same applies to "Next" buttons. Also, try to be consistent (for example, the "Next" button changes colour when I move the mouse over it, but the 'START APPLICATION" button does not). Moreover the color changes are too slow.

nor111’s picture

thank you very much for a thorough inspection and the valuable insights !:) such a feedback is always very helpful

i would definitely make the appropriate changes in the nearest future (right now im trying to integrate the application with drupal).

ah_ma81’s picture

your website looks nice and easy to surf ... but i think its better for your website to use a commenting system which store the comments in your database ... that will help the users to get results from this indexed comments when they search your website ... facebook commenting system does not store the comments in your database and it won't be searched and indexed

nor111’s picture

thanks for the comment, that's surely a note for the future. At the moment, user registration is disabled alltogether because of a number of factors. As soon as people are allowed to start accounts, the commenting system will also be turned to drupal's core commenting.