h5p 7.x-1.53

Bug fixes
  • Add missing db field when installing from scratch
  • Fix content upgrade bug

h5p 7.x-1.52

Bug fixes
New features

Updated H5P core:

  • Improve installing H5P libraries (make operation a bit more atomic)
  • Allow newlines in metadata field (License Extras and Author Comments)
  • Add gltf and glb to file whitelist
  • Fix PHP deprecation warnings
  • Several accessibility improvements
  • Translation updates
  • Add Vimeo support
  • Add H5P.Tooltip and H5P.isEmpty() in core

h5p 7.x-1.50

Bug fixes
  • Fix JS files being loaded multiple times
  • Fix resizing on exiting fullscreen
  • Fix blinking CKEditor dialog
  • Fix CKEditor collapsing if calculator element ever is hidden
  • New design for Tutorial and Example links
  • Update CKEditor

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc19

Bug fixes
New features

HFP-3008 - Add content language to iframe
Fix issue #3085464 by Berdir: Delete query fails when purging data for deleted fields
Fix issue #3162064 by amateescu: Load the H5P classes shipped with the module only if they are not already managed by Composer
Fix issue #3113772 by sendor: Error Ajax on save a custom block with h5p field on layout builder
Fix issue #3031362 by abdhomsi: Unable to alter scripts or styles for embed view
Update CK Editor

h5p 7.x-1.49

Bug fixes

Fix Issue #3210693 (by glynster, esnaremaussa): JS Error after recent update
Update CKEditor to the latest 4.x version.

h5p 7.x-1.48

Bug fixes

Improved attribute filtering performance

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc18

Bug fixes

PHP 7.4 compatibility
Improved attribute filtering performance

h5p 7.x-1.47

Bug fixes
New features
  • Adds optional accessible title for assistive technologies for content
  • Allowing fullscreen and microphone on iframe embeds
  • Adds title to H5P iframe
  • Adds language property to H5P iframe
  • Adds Panopto video provider integration
  • Fix issue where editor would only use half the available width in Firefox
  • Prepares for release of content hub

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc17

Bug fixes
New features

- Labels and accessibility improvements for all input fields in the authoring tool
- Proper semantics for disabled buttons (copy and paste)
- Contrast, icons, and accessibility adjustments
- Trigger initialized event for external listeners when the editor has been initialized
- Hide focus effect when using the mouse

h5p 7.x-1.46

Bug fixes
New features

- Labels and accessibility improvements for all input fields in the authoring tool
- Proper semantics for disabled buttons (copy and paste)
- Contrast, icons, and accessibility adjustments
- Trigger initialized event for external listeners when editor has been initialized
- Hide focus effect when using the mouse
- Improve clearing filtered parameters

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc16

Bug fixes

Bug fixed:
An invalid finnish language file made the editor break.

h5p 7.x-1.45

Bug fixes

Bug fixed:
An invalid finnish language file made the editor break.

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc15

Bug fixes
New features

- Added full screen editing mode
- Allow setting bitrate for video files
- Change cross origin settings to only be set for local files, otherwise will remove cross origin from the media, instead of defaulting to "anonymous" cross origin settings.
- Fixes crashing when changing language in the Branching Scenario editor
- Fixes an issue where common fields would not be properly set
- Fixes an issue with creating directories during automatic upgrade of content when uploadinng old content versions
- Translation updates (big thanks to all contributors)

h5p 7.x-1.44

Bug fixes
New features

- Added full screen editing mode
- Allow setting bitrate for video files
- Change cross origin settings to only be set for local files, otherwise will remove cross origin from the media, instead of defaulting to "anonymous" cross origin settings.
- Fixes crashing when changing language in the Branching Scenario editor
- Fixes an issue where common fields would not be properly set
- Fixes an issue with creating directories during automatic upgrade of content when uploadinng old content versions
- Translation updates (big thanks to all contributors)

h5p 7.x-1.43

Bug fixes

Fixed bug that made it impossible to delete H5Ps

h5p 7.x-1.42

Bug fixes

Fix correct default language not always loading.

h5p 7.x-1.41

Bug fixes
New features

Added automated upgrade of content on save.
Improved error handling for content upgrade.
Added support for language switching in editor.
Added a new reuse dialog for download or copy of content in view.

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc13

Bug fixes
New features

Added automated upgrade of content on save.
Improved error handling for content upgrade.
Added support for language switching in editor.
Added a new reuse dialog for download or copy of content in view.
Fixed bug with isEmpty() check in H5P Item fields.

h5p 7.x-1.40

Bug fixes
New features

New H5P core version

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc11

Bug fixes


  • When editing an H5P, and replacing a media file, it ended up in the file_managed table marked as temporary, which means it was deleted by Drupal's cleanup scripts.
  • Different problems related to the legacy uploader (i.e, the one seen if the H5P HUB is not enabled)

h5p 7.x-1.39

Bug fixes


  • When editing an H5P, and replacing a media file, it ended up in the file_managed table marked as temporary, which means it was deleted by Drupal's cleanup scripts.
  • Different problems related to the legacy uploader (i.e, the one seen if the H5P HUB is not enabled)

h5p 7.x-1.38

Bug fixes

A critical bug was introduced in 7.x-1.36, which made H5P content being lost in some circumstances (e.g. when bulk updating H5P nodes).

We strongly advise updating ASAP if you are running on 7.x-1.36 or 7.x-1.37

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc10

Bug fixes

Fixed bug related to loading of language files in the H5P authoring tool. For the content types using custom editors, If using a language that doesn't have a translation file in H5P, it didn't fall back to the English one. Now it does.

h5p 7.x-1.37

Bug fixes

Fixed bug related to loading of language files in the H5P authoring tool. For the content types using custom editors, If using a language that doesn't have a translation file in H5P, it didn't fall back to the English one. Now it does.

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc9

Bug fixes
New features

Detailed metadata & license indormation
Copy and paste H5Ps
Support for Mathematical expressions through latex (Read more here: https://h5p.org/mathematical-expressions)
Minor bugfixes

h5p 7.x-1.36

Bug fixes
New features

Detailed metadata & license
Copy and paste H5Ps
Support for Mathematical expressions through latex (Read more here: https://h5p.org/mathematical-expressions)
Minor bugfixes

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc7

Bug fixes
New features

New H5P core version (1.15) which communicates to the client if reporting is enabled.
Minor changes in JS to support webpack.
Minor changes in CSS to improve placement of "disable fullscreen button".
Issue #2936079 by freelock: h5p_settings gets updated too often
HFP-1921 Fix incorrect permission check crashing

h5p 7.x-1.35

Bug fixes
New features

New H5P core version (1.15) which communicates to the client if reporting is enabled.
Minor changes in JS to support webpack.
Minor changes in CSS to improve placement of "disable fullscreen button".

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc6

Bug fixes

Fixed bug (wrongly formatted schema config yaml file)

h5p 7.x-1.34

Bug fixes

h5p 7.x-1.33

Bug fixes
New features
  • Adds more detailed error messages with links for troubleshooting them
  • Prevent deleting sub content of linked directories
  • Allows printing optional head tags in embedded content
  • Updated CKEditor to version 4.7.3
  • Added Greek translations (thanks to xarhsdev)
  • Added Finnish translations (thanks to Janne Särkelä)
  • Added support for editor iframe reloading
  • Allow multiple content to be loaded at the same time
  • A complete re-write of the hub-client and major improvements to it's error messages

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc4

Bug fixes
New features

Fixed required version of Core and Editor in composer.json.
Fixed proper clearing of cache when a library/content type is updated.
Fixed old libraries always updating.
Adds more detailed error messages with links for troubleshooting them.
Prevent deleting sub-content of linked directories.
Updated CKEditor to version 4.7.3.
Added Greek translations (thanks to xarhsdev).
Added Finnish translations (thanks to Janne Särkelä).
Added support for editor iframe reloading.
Allow multiple content to be loaded at the same time.

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc3

Bug fixes

Fixes #2920365: Wrong function used when checking download permission.
Fixes #2920606: Unable to edit some of the content types.

h5p 8.x-1.0-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

Support for latest H5P content type versions
Bug fixes

h5p 6.x-1.0-beta37

Security update
Bug fixes
New features

Added possibility to restrict libraries
Fixed bug with wrong path to export file
Do not aggregate external assets
Support strict SQL mode

h5p 8.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Fixed issues when using the H5P field in sub form parts, e.g. when the Paragraph module is used.

h5p 7.x-1.31

Bug fixes
New features
  • Improved requirement checks compatibility with different PHP versions.
  • Added version selector for the different licenses.
  • Added support for localized licenses.
  • Updated translations.
  • Minor design layout improvements.
  • Adapted to support multiple editor on the same page.
  • Added external event for when changing and loading library.
  • Fixed bug seen in IE11 when uploading files in the editor


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