hello evey one here, i have question about connecting database using Drupal??
can i get a Module to do that operation (database connection)


nevets’s picture

Note you have posted in a depreciated forum, please change to a more appropriate one.

As for your question, do you mean the Drupal database or another one?

marwen.blel’s picture

hello yes i mean database with drupal, whitch module i use to

Comme Confucius, penseur et philosophe chinois a dit :" Choisissez un travail que vous aimez et vous n'aurez pas à travailler un seul jour de votre vie"

nevets’s picture

Your question is not specific enough. If you are using Drupal (vs writing modules) you probably want to use the views module

marwen.blel’s picture

ok i wil be clear that time,
i have an other database with on my sql server, and i wanna connect it with drupal like any others frameworks did.. ok ifi can whitch module i will use ?? and thx

Comme Confucius, penseur et philosophe chinois a dit :" Choisissez un travail que vous aimez et vous n'aurez pas à travailler un seul jour de votre vie"

VM’s picture

you are posting in a forum that has been deprecated. The question is better served that isn't deprecated. Please edit your opening post and move it to the post installation forum as was previously asked.