search_autocomplete 3.0.0

New features

First version to support Drupal 10 !

New features:
- Multiple autocompletion per page
- Container for groups for better styling
- Olivero compatibility out-of-the-box
- Use DOMPurify to improve security
- autocompletion menu auto-resize to fit the screen

search_autocomplete 2.0.3

Security update

Resolves SA-CONTRIB-2023-026.

Adds DOMPurify external library to clean autocompletion suggestions.

Site maintainers should definitely add the DOMPurify library to there project. See README file for instructions.

search_autocomplete 2.0.1

Bug fixes

Critical regression fix:
- #3144289: Only #attached and #cache may be set in hook_page_attachments()

Critical bug fix:
- Messenger service called on null
- Replace deprecated entity.manager with entity_type.manager
- Replace deprecated entity.query with storage getQuery().

search_autocomplete 2.0.0


First Drupal 9 compatible release. Also switch to semantic versioning.
- #3122004: Drupal 9 compatibility

This release also inherits numerous bug fixes from D8 version 8.x-1.2 : see full list here:

search_autocomplete 8.x-1.2

Bug fixes
New features

This release mostly fixes reported issues. It aims to be (unless bugs and community requests) the last 8.x release. All devs should now be on the 2.x branch which will be compatible with Drupal 8.8 and 9.

Bug fixes :

search_autocomplete 7.x-4.9

Bug fixes

This release corrects regressions introduced with last realease 7.x-4.8.
Fixes, includes :

search_autocomplete 8.x-1.0

First official stable release of Search Autocomplete module for Drupal 8.
No upgrade path from 7.x is available yet. Please contact issue queue to help on the subject.

search_autocomplete 7.x-4.7

Bug fixes

Fixing following issues:
- Issue #2570001 by istavros, Dom.: Autocompletion helper tool for Search Autocomplete administrators gets appended on every ajax request
- Issue #2568021 by ReBa: Undefined is not an object (evaluating '' if no group)
- Revert #2530210 by dakku, Dom.: input field fixed
- Additionnal typo corrections

search_autocomplete 7.x-4.6

Bug fixes

Critical bug fix :
* Issue #2477199 by Dom.: Link URL is not the nodes URL, but something shortened that leads to 404.
This fixes an important functionnal regression with 7.x-4.5.

search_autocomplete 8.x-1.0-beta3

New features

Initiate conversion of Search Autocomplete to D8. The module now handles (or will handle) much more then previously.
This branch, among others features, integrate with Drupal core autocompletion to replace/improve it.

search_autocomplete 7.x-4.4

Bug fixes

Minor code fixing.
This release is mainly a rebuilt of 4.3 which did not get released properly.
Please clean cache after update.

search_autocomplete 7.x-4.2

Bug fixes

* Issue #2382785: How to localize? by Dominique CLAUSE, ñull, jmdeleon: Add localize to no_results and all_results labels.
* issue fixed by dakku : Updated installation instructions.

search_autocomplete 7.x-4.1

Bug fixes
New features

Beware : there is no upgrade path from 3.x to 4.x, so please uninstall 3.3 and install 4.1 if you wish to upgrade. There is a usual update path from 4.0 to 4.1 via the update.php script.

search_autocomplete 7.x-4.0

New features

This new version let user create more complex suggestions using multiple field views. Here are some of the new features :
- Multiple views fields can be used to create a complex suggestion.
- HTML tags can be used in suggestions (images for instance).
- Suggestions can be group using the view mechanism.
- An admin helper tool helps administrator to autocomplete custom input fields.
- New themes provided

search_autocomplete 7.x-4.0-alpha2

New features

New features :
- suggestions now supports grouping
- new CSS themes offered

search_autocomplete 6.x-4.0-alpha1

New features

Backport of branch 7.x-4.x sponsored by
- the module can now use views to create suggestion via the "JSON autocomplete" sub-module
- suggestions can be multi-field and use HTML markups
- suggestions support grouping
- new CSS themes offered

search_autocomplete 7.x-4.0-alpha1

New features

New 4.x branch.
- Now supports HTML in autocompletion.
- Now allow multi-fields suggestions
- More configurable views for suggestion creation
- New styles

search_autocomplete 6.x-2.5

Bug fixes

Change the default queries to prevent 404 error during auto-submit of autocompleted form.
#2096219: Selecting Autocomplete Result loads 404 page

Attention: Please beware you might loose your custom queries during the update process. If update goes wrong, please uninstall/reinstall the module.

search_autocomplete 7.x-3.2

New features
Bug fixes

Release 7.x-3.2 is about drastic performance improvment when using views.

search_autocomplete 7.x-3.1

New features
Bug fixes

New features :
- Limit autocompletions by language :
#1826352: Limit autocompletions by language
- Special characters transliteration option for suggestions (need optionnal Transliteration module): searching for "foo" will also suggest "foô", "foö", ...

search_autocomplete 7.x-3.0

Bug fixes

3.0 is now offically released. Thanks a lot to all those who reported bugs and help improvment thought the various realease candidate versions.

search_autocomplete 7.x-3.0-rc4

Bug fixes

Fix for #1782734: The install doesn't create all tables in the database.
Symptom: add and delete in suggestion form leads to error
Cause: Old DB insert/delete for suggestions remainded. Obsolete code is now removed.

search_autocomplete 7.x-3.0-rc3

Bug fixes

Fix security issue:
#1780828: Permissions problems with admin pages Permissions problems with admin pages
Also used this commit to (try) fixing GIT branch badly created. Now cloning 7.x-3.x branch should work properly:

search_autocomplete 7.x-3.0-rc2

Bug fixes

Stable release for 7.x-3.0-rc2
Fix the rc1 bugs:
- #1741764: Colon between the label & value for views is hard coded Do not use hard coded colon for label in suggestion but use the one from Views API instead

search_autocomplete 6.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Major issue fixed:
#1393590: %-modifiers Problem Words starting with b or any %-modifier may not apply correctly
Minor issue fixed:

search_autocomplete 6.x-2.1

Bug fixes

Minor fixes:
- #1333842: Search results : The suggestion prefix are included in the search after autocompletion usage. This ruined the results in some cases.

search_autocomplete 6.x-2.0-alpha1

New features

Version 2.x Search Autocomplete module.

search_autocomplete 7.x-1.0

After a couple of weeks without issues, 1.0 is now considered stable.

/!\ This release does not contain any functionality change or bug fix but just changed from beta to stable. So its up to you to update or not. /!\

Minor changes in typo.

search_autocomplete 5.x-1.0

After a couple of weeks without issues, 1.0 is now considered stable.

/!\ This release does not contain any functionality change or bug fix but just changed from beta to stable. So its up to you to update or not. /!\

Minor changes in typo.


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