Moderating content

Last updated on
3 June 2023

Content moderation happens via Content issue queue.

General guidelines

Unpublishing versus deleting content

Always delete spam, empty or test content. You should only unpublish a post if you can conceivably imagine it being re-published in the future. This should only be for very rare cases.

Content that is heavily outdated and/or replaced by newer, more relevant content should be deleted. It is a good practice to highlight that specific content will be deleted soon (either via Discuss tab or issue in the Content queue) and give community members time to raise any concerns. After set time period passed, and if no valid concerns about deletion were raised, you can delete the content.

Duplicate content

If you see duplicate (identical) pieces of content, keep one instance and remove the other copies. 

If there are duplicate posts in multiple forums, choose the best forum and remove the remaining duplicates unless they already have responses. If they already have comments, make a polite note about duplicate posts referencing the other.

Badly formatted posts

If you see a post with bad formatting which messes up the page's layout, please edit it. A common mistake for newbies is to use two opening tags rather than an opening/closing pair. Tags like bold and italic can 'bleed through' beyond the post, while not-closed block-level tags can mess up the positioning of the sidebar.

If someone made a serious mistake while posting a forum topic and posted a correction in a comment below, try to update the original post and delete the correction.

Document your actions

If you are editing a node, use the Log message field and be sure the Create new revision checkbox is selected. If you edit a comment, just add a line that explain why the comment was edited and by whom.

Front page promotion

How to review front page promotion request

At least two content moderators need to review the post for its appropriateness and quality before it can be promoted.

  • Make sure the story is highly relevant to the broad Drupal community and the Drupal project
  • Make sure the post is written in proper English and headings/images are used where appropriate

Promoting/demoting content on the front page

Posts need to be spaced out by at least 24 hours. Before promoting anything, check when the previous post was promoted and if there is anything queued in Front Page Schedule. If the previous post was promoted more than 24 hours ago and there is nothing scheduled for today/tomorrow in Front Page Schedule, you can promote the post.

  • Edit the post and select the Promoted to front page checkbox
  • Change the Authored on date of the post to the date of promotion
  • Select the revision box and note the reason in the log, including the link to the issue created to request the promotion

How the Front page news drop-down works

  • If you simply promote a post to the front page without selecting anything in the drop-down, the post will appear on the front page and in
  • If you choose either Drupal News or Association in the drop-down, the post will appear on the front page and in
  • If you promote a post to the front page and select Planet Drupal in the drop-down, the post will additionally appear on Planet Drupal
  • If you just select something from drop-down without promoting a post to the front page, nothing will happen

Moderating case studies

Case study can be promoted once there is an agreement of at least 2 members of the content team. However, all opinions and reviews are welcome as they will help team members to make the right decision.
If both the site and case study do not meet the requirements and there are at least 2 comments from the content team members stating that, the issue can be set to Closed (won't fix).

  • Check if the site and case study meet requirements for Featured section. Make sure content of the case study follows the guidelines.
  • Leave a comment in the issue with your opinion. Should the case study be promoted to Featured? Why? How can it be improved?

How to review Community case studies

Visit the Community showcase page or use the management view. If you find a case study which has too few (or no) descriptions and technical details, leave a comment suggesting authors to improve their case study and give a link to Case study guidelines. You might also suggest them to consider moving their post to forum.
If there is no response and improvement to the case study in a week, open an issue in the Content queue. Poor quality case studies will be hidden and eventually deleted.

If you find a high quality case study which is a good candidate for the Featured section, you could open an issue and nominate the case study for promotion.

Contribute as a writer

There are various way for anyone to contribute as a writer.

  • Seek impressive examples of Drupal websites and encourage their owners to write a case study for
  • Write case studies for those sites whose owners can't do it themselves but agree to provide information
  • Be available for requests from community members to write a case study for their site

Promoting/hiding case studies

To promote a case study to the Featured section:

  • Edit a case study and set Status field value to Featured
  • Change Authored on date to the date of promotion
  • Select the revision box and note your actions in the log
  • Do not check the Promote to front page checkbox: Featured case studies automatically appear in the Sites made with Drupal block on the front page

To hide a case study:

  • Edit a case study and set Status field value to Hidden
  • Select the revision box and note your actions in the log

Moderating Drupal Planet

How to review a Planet Drupal or a regionalized Planet Drupal request

  • Check if the feed validates. Use to test the feed and link the result in your post in the issue queue.
  • Check the content of the feed. We prefer to review feeds with at least two posts of which at least one has to be recent. Are these posts in the language appropriate? Is the content wanted regarding topic and content quality?

State your findings to all these checks in your post. If you come to positive results on all of these, change the issue status to  . If you are unsure about the quality of the content, ask for another opinion and set the issue status to Needs review. In case that there is a problem with any of these requirements set the issue status to Needs work.

Planet Drupalgive requests

Planet Drupalgive was created to give companies which actively contribute back to the community a showcase. The only things that need to be checked for those feeds are if the the feed validates and if the company requesting to be added indeed is giving something.

Adding feeds

  • To add a feed, visit
  • The name of the feed should be the person's name if it is written by one person, the company or blog's name for a multi-user blog (although we do not strongly enforce this pattern). No taglines should be added to the name.
  • The update interval should be three hours, except for Drupalgive feed, for which it should be one day.

Conditions for removal or temporary suspension from the Planet

A feed is removed from Planet Drupal or regionalized Planet Drupal when

  • The posts violate the Drupal trademark
  • The feed contains spam or offensive posts
  • The site has been hacked
  • The feed does not work anymore
  • The feed is not anymore Drupal specific
  • The feed has not been updated in two years or more

In the following cases, the feed is suspended, which means the feed is set to never update and none of the Categorize news items are selected.

  • The feed does not conform to the content guidelines stated above
  • The feed contains off-topic posts that are not development-related which have been already found in the past

Suspensions and removals should always have a Planet Drupal issue created in the Content queue to log what action has been taken, when, and by whom.

Conditions for changing the update interval

When a feed has not been updated in a year, the update interval is changed to one day.

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