Hi guys
I was wondering if it would be possible to add the ability to use more than one captcha for the same challenge.

I've seen this on a site before where I was asked a math question and a riddle, don't think it was a drupal site though.

My own reasoning was that I'd like ot enable both the image captcha and the hidden captcha on my user registration form.

I've been googling and looking thorough forums ot see if there is a way to do this and cant find one.


lightsurge’s picture

+1 for a similar reason, I would like a user to be able to 'pass' on an image challenge and try a riddle instead. Mainly because the dual challenge captchas you tend to see are the wonky letters or garbled voices.

With an audience I'm looking at now of children and young people, it would be nice to be able to use something like http://drupal.org/project/draggable_captcha by default, but with the option of using http://drupal.org/project/riddler for the visually impaired

Dustin@PI’s picture

There was a previous request like this one #1101588: Allow multiple CAPTCHAs on one form --it was set to "will not fix", but I think having a normal captcha and a hidden captcha on one page is a very valid usecase.

My own usecase is very similar to #1, I want a riddle and a hidden captcha on the same form (user registration).

bigmonmulgrew’s picture

Just read the thread you linked.

I do agree that adding multiple human readable captchas is a bad idea, in most cases, as it just irritates users.

I do maintain however that the ability to add multiple captchas would be very useful

bigmonmulgrew’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

I just found this after searching for a way to do multiple CAPTCHAs. So I will clarify what I meant and give this a bump.

Personally I only ever want one human readable captcha on one page. Howerver adding multiple non-human readable captchas will improve how effective this is.

I don't pretend to have ben though the module in detail so I don't know how difficult this would be.

To expand on this we could extend this functionally to group captchas together for example

Group 1 - Answer any 1 of these
- Draggable CAPTCHA
- Riddle Captcha

Group 2- Answer ONLY one of these
- Draggable CAPTCHA
- Riddle Captcha

Group 3 - ANsewer all of these (invisible to users)
- Hidden Captcha
- Image captcha set far too complex for a human to pass (hideable)

GRoup 4 - Answer 2 of these
- Image Captcha
- Another Image Captcha
- yet Another Image Captcha
- and Another Image Captcha

Group 5 - Answer alll of these
- Hidden Captcha

Chris Matthews’s picture

Version: 7.x-1.0-beta2 » 7.x-1.x-dev

Version change only

Anybody’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (won't fix)

Feel free to reopen of create an issue for 2.x if someone is willing to implement this. Seems like an edge case to me.