Hi, I am having problems with Omega. I am new to this theme but frustrated with it due to the fact that I am trying to use images as primary menu navigation. I have used the menu-icons module but the images are cut off top and bottom.
See http://drupal.org/node/1828140 for full description and screen shots.

I had an "expert" look at the CSS and in his opinion the theme suffers from "DIV-itus" and what appears to be happening is that the code in the Global.css is being overwritten by a javascript file or other stylesheets.

I know little about CSS and would appreciate any help that could be provided. It seems that no matter what code is put to the primary links zone from global.css, the default text height is what the the zone defaults to, which cuts off the icons/graphic being sent from the Menu_Icons module.

Even when the images were hard coded into the global.css file, they would not appear.

In summary, can anyone help me in exactly what css needs to be added to get the primary menu region (or zone) to be able to display menu icons correctly (with a 40px 45px icon) or alternatively css that will load different images into the primary menu area so they can use as the menu. I have also installed the Menu_Attributes module but and stumped on getting the required end result from Menu_icons or global.css.

website is www.maac-ireland.com and I have put one icon up so you can see the problem.