Wonderful theme.

I'd like to change the number of nodes on the front page,
Where do edit?


israelshmueli’s picture

If you need 9 results instead of the default 10
You can change Drupal's default at :

The demo website demonstrate 9 results.
The "site information page let you change the default using select box that does not allow fine grain modification.
FontFolio will comfortably display 9, 13, 17 etc. results. All numbers but 9 are not between the options of this select box.

To use other number than 9 you can enable the, disabled by default, "frontpage" view . You can find and enable this view at the views administration page ( admin/structure/views ). To make it replace the default you still need to insert it's path as front page path inside "site information" page.

In the Demo website I display the front page via this view to allow filtering by node language.

Anonymous’s picture

Could be set.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.