Ability to schedule actions on collection and the related content


recidive’s picture

Is there any plan for an UI for managing content in collections?

We need the possibility to publish/unpublish whole collections, and also to list content in collections, with option to remove content from the collection. Some stats on revisions also may be handy, warnings like "The currently published revision is newer then the one in this collection", so editors has the option to manually merge in recent changes. I see this being really needed when dealing with collections of content, what are you thoughts?

indytechcook’s picture

This is already possible with the NRA module (at least for nodes) https://drupal.org/project/nra

recidive’s picture

I'm talking about a list of collection, not a list of nodes. You just click "publish" on a collection, not need to filter, check all and publish.

recidive’s picture

Actually none of what I said above is implemented in NRA except the "list content in collections" part.

indytechcook’s picture

Sorry, i misunderstood. Wouldn't be to difficult with VBO.

indytechcook’s picture

You can mass publish/unpublish/push content through workflow using NRA. What workflow engine are you using?

recidive’s picture

I'm using State Machine 2.x, planning to move to 3.x.

Is there any plan on a UI for publishing collections? Maybe we could integrate collections with views, if not done already, and integrate workflow with VBO in a similar way NRA works with SM?

We need a table listing collections, and a button "publish" or "unpublish" next to each collection.

I want to contribute with code and I'm trying to figure out what are the plans for such things. I see Collection labels are links but they don't link anywhere.

recidive’s picture

We may need to integrate SM's State Flow Entity with collections to track states of collections. We may also need revisions of collections to be able to track/revert changes in collections content.

Cameron Tod’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

A simple "publish this collection" button would be very useful for what we do with SPS. It shouldn't be too onerous to implement, as the functionality already exists at admin/content/content-revisions.

Good little feature to code up in someone's gardening time :)