Hi everybody,

I'm new to Drupal. I've decided I want to use it for my new website and I'm learning to theme now. I'm watching a video course but they don't tell if I should create an HTML/CSS layout first. I'm used to create layouts for every website I create using Wordpress, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to do the same with Drupal or if it's going to be a waste of time.

The website is pretty simple and elegant: "Do you recommend me to create an HTML/CSS layout before theming in Drupal 7?"


BlackyWhoElse’s picture

I just make my design in PS and create then the layout for Drupal.

bernar’s picture

I supose that means "yes"

imranweb’s picture

Are you talking about theme development?
If yes, then you need to understand how Drupal theme works.
e.g. pages, regions, blocks, nodes, etc

I recommend you to go through the http://drupal.org/documentation/theme to get the detailed insight.


bernar’s picture

Yes, I'm talking about theme development. I'm watching a video course that explains what you say but I'm not sure if I should write the HTML/CSS before or jump into Drupal directly and do all the work there.

nevets’s picture

Personally I do not make a separate html/css layout. I prefer to start with one of the contributed themes, there are a number of them that are meant to be used as starter themes from which you create a sub-theme.

bernar’s picture

That's great. What about developing a theme from scratch? I guess it's a good idea to write the HTML/CSS before.

bernar’s picture

Thanks, I've decided to watch the entire lynda video series and then write the different pages in HTML/CSS so I get an idea of how it's going to look like before theming in Drupal.