Hi people, first of all, I'm tired of looking up on Google and I have not found anything useful. I tried tampering with Community Tags, but couldn't do the job.

What I'm trying to do is simple:

I have a custom content type which I've added a Term Reference Field Type with an Autocomplete term widget (tagging). I even selected a predefined Vocabulary.

So far so good.

Now, the problem is that the users can't find that field when they are about to create the content. I've looked upon Community Tags, People Settings, ticked and unticked everything possibly related to no avail.

Anyone knows how to tackle this?

Thanks a lot :D!


nevets’s picture

Have you granted the "Edit terms in Vocabulary" permission for the vocabulary in question to the appropriate roles?

superjose’s picture

Yes I have granted Edit Terms in My_custom_vocabulary tag for Authenticated users.

I can perfectly see it with Admin Privileges.