I'm brand new to using Drupal (been using about 4 days), but I'm a pretty quick study (i think)~

I was trying to create a Slideshow using Views just to see how it works. I was able to upload some images without any issues, and I got a nice little tester slideshow on my home page.

But when I tried to create a second Slideshow, all of a sudden when I went to upload an image, I got the message:
An unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (8 MB) that this server supports.

Is it an issue with the module? The view perhaps??

And it doesn't matter what size the image is. I can't upload anything to any content type (not even an article).

I've searched around various forums for solutions, but I can't make sense of what advice I've found.

Any suggestions???

Thanks in advance!


nevets’s picture

Look at the Drupal logs (under Reports >> Recent log messages) for PHP error messages.

Also look at Status (also under Reports) for the value of 'PHP memory limit'.

ameymudras’s picture

Hi prolly its the server configuration issues.
If you are using xampp goto php.ini and increase the value of upload_max_filesize and similar variables

I love Drupal & working since 7.5+ years now in Drupal.