webform_feedback 7.x-2.4

Bug fixes

Bug Fix - Issue #2921724 by elkirby: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in webform_feedback_callback()

webform_feedback 7.x-2.3

Bug fixes
New features

* 11ef12e - turning down specificity of css
* e2bddbb - fix right placement
* 7d9241c - switch default form back to no redirect now that it works
* a52ad23 - Issue #2712245 by protitude: Webform feedback validation problem
* 93061d9 - removing scrollTop as this may throw off mobile if you have enough content above the first input
* 4642210 - Issue #2851354 by protitude: Feedback button style conflict
* 2af350d - adding focus scrolled down below the label, adding scrollTop to fix
* 4c1da4a - removed old ie support

webform_feedback 7.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Accidentally didn't push this in last release.
- adding jquery_update dependency

webform_feedback 7.x-2.1

Bug fixes
New features

- adding libraries module requirement
- using confirmation page for redirect
- Fixing focus on form
- Adding inert library and ability to list classes to be added to via form
- Switching previous page to query string as to not appear to be different pages
- Giving the option to remove the nojs form due to excessive spamming and 301 forward user to different page
- making closing work with esc and clicking outside the box
- moved js include to hook_build_page to fix caching issues
- adding class to feedback button

webform_feedback 7.x-2.0

New features

The 2.x release has a different approach. Instead of loading the block and hiding it as the 1.x version did, this will do an ajax load once you click the feedback button. This approach seems to be better for larger sites. The previous 1.x version had a tendency to get a really large cache table when there are a lot of pages and visitors.

webform_feedback 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Update to block id which will hopefully fix some issues others were having with the feedback button showing up.

webform_feedback 7.x-1.1

New features

This will now create a webform and set the proper system variables for the user on the initial install.

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