Okay, I have been playing around with 'ur_views' and 'views' for the better part of one week without getting anywhere.

I wanted to create a view that will display a block of user images of users who 'accepted or created' a relationship with the current user. I added the module 'user_stats' to reduce that list to the friends who are online.

I can not get the filters to work the right way. I really do not care who started or who accepted the realationship (requester, requestee) with the current user. I just want to display existing, confirmed relationships.

Whatever combination of views I tried, I could only get it to work with the current user and not with the related user (or the other way round).

How should I set up the filters? This is my best shot so far:

User: Active (Yes)
User relationships: Relationship type (= friend)
User relationships: Relationship status (= 1)
User relationships: Requester user is current user (True)
Global: PHP (PHP)

The last filter checks, if the user is online, it uses the following code:
return !user_stats_get_stats('online', $data->uid);

Again, this is working with the current user, but not on the page of his relationship (I tested this with two different browsers logged in with different users).

Any ideas, anyone?

Have a good Wednesday,


Triumphent’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

The problem is with user_stats. It doesn't work with user relationships and calls to the maintainer of the module to look into it remain unanswered. I think he's gone fishin'