Thank you for this module - I think it might be exactly what I have been looking for in the past few days.

One issue you mention about Drupal 7 is css based dom removal.
I think the reason for this is that you need to modify the api hooks, such that parameters are passed in the the new context variables introduced in D7.

For example:
In you have the following:
drupal_alter('html_export_data', $data, $paths, $front, $dom_remove, FALSE);

You need to change that to something along the lines of:

      $required_context = array(
        'paths' => $paths,
        'active_path' => $front,
      $optional_context = array(
        'dom_remove' => $dom_remove,
        'remove_base' => FALSE,
      drupal_alter('html_export_data', $data, $required_context, $optional_context);

and then change the signature in the hook implementation in html_export.module from:

function html_export_html_export_data_alter(&$data, $paths, $active_path, $dom_remove = array(), $remove_base = TRUE) 


function html_export_html_export_data_alter(&$data, $required = array(), $optional = array()) {

    $paths = $required['paths'];
    $active_path = $required['active_path'];
    $dom_remove = isset($optional['dom_remove']) ? $optional['dom_remove'] : array();
    $remove_base = isset($optional['remove_base']) ? $optional['remove_base'] :  TRUE;

I haven't tested this thoroughly, and there are a number of other calls to drupal_alter that needs to be changed in the same fashion,
but making this change, I was able to exclude all html forms from the export.


btopro’s picture

I'd believe it. Could you make a proper patch that people could test off of? I'd really like to get a stable D7 release out the door and add drush support to it but have been bogged down in other projects for the time being.