I have created a new content type and only certain roles are allowed to create it. I have added a menu item to the main menu for this that links to this address: http://mysite.com/?q=node/add/new-content-type

The problem being that anonymous users who don't have access to this item can still see the menu item. If they click on it it just takes them to an access denied page! Confused.


imranweb’s picture


You may look at menu_per_role module, in case of you are doing everything right and still have problem.


davey_b’s picture


wmdickson’s picture

I'm having the exact same problem. The permissions are set correctly (the unauthorized user gets an access denied message but still sees the menu item tht links to it). I was under the impression that this is not supposed to happen (i.e., .menu item shouldn't show up).

I'd rather not use the menu per role module as it appears that it is not being actively supported for Drupal 7. Do I really have to write my own module for this?

wmdickson’s picture

Seems this has been discussed elsewhere. See http://drupal.org/node/1277596