Unchecked Toggle for Tabs but they still show. I want to move the tabs above the page title and only way I can think of is to disable that and enable the delta tab block.

Any ideas?



Elijah Lynn’s picture

For now I am playing with overriding region--content.tpl.php and commenting out:

<?php if ($tabs && !empty($tabs['#primary'])): ?><div class="tabs clearfix"><?php print render($tabs); ?></div><?php endif; ?>

But it is causing issues in the admin sections of the overlay with the delta tabs block and context, I have to figure out how to have context only show it on certain pages because it is showing up twice on those pages.

Elijah Lynn’s picture

I finally figured out how to have context not show the tabs block on all the pages, I now have a sitewide condition and the below path conditions (hopefully that is all) with the "require all conditions" flag set:


Elijah Lynn’s picture

I am having permission issues though which I am not sure are or are not related, I am crossposting a Delta ticket I made --> http://drupal.org/node/1793942

broncomania’s picture

Similar here. The tab block is hidden for authenticated users but anonymous can see him.