is a interactive platform for triathlon races and triathlon reviews. Completed by updates, news and race results for triathlon competitions - the website provides continuous updated information.
An dynamic map overview for countries and triathlon series is provided for finding a triathlon race. There is also a filter for selecting triathlon race by month and triathlon distance.

Update end of 2012: Migration to Drupal 7 successful with a lot of work of configuration. Mostly done with drush-commands, that are very powerful. - overview Triathlon dates
Why Drupal was chosen: 

Choosed drupal because of flexibility to customized node-layout and usage of community features.

Technical specifications

Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 

CCK is used to build node content in a flexible way, after some various setups, e.g. flexinode or node expand by implementing with node-api - the cck was the best way to structure data and setup the backend mask for input content.

Output by views - most displays are driven by views. Normally a page ( is set up by a view using the page-context. Additionally content is appended by attachements.

Location information is done by location module, the output is used in views. The map feature uses google map-api and the markers comes from taxonomy markers. The custom maplayer is provided by mapbox.

Module Flag used for creating individual race calendar, athletes could flag triathlon (content-type) as planned, interested and finished.

For future purpose the og-module is used as groupware.

Team members: 


svnindia’s picture

A good theme...
