masonry 4.0.0

Drupal 10 release with the 4.x configuration improvements.

/!\ Depending on the settings you use, for instance with masonry_views, you might have to review manually your views and configurations as their is not *full* automatic upgrade path for every situations.

Configuration changes:
- #3376072: Improve easyness of configurations

masonry 3.0.0

NOTE: This version is exactly the same as 2.0.1 so no upgrade is needed.
The version is created just to match the API 3.x for every version (7.x to 10.x) and prepare therefore a 4.x API break version.

masonry 2.0.1

Bug fixes

Fix issue with composer.libraries.json preventing installation on D10 of the libraries using composer.
#3358975: Drupal 10 compatibility

masonry 8.x-1.2

Bug fixes
New features

Main new features:
- Support lazyloading via lazysizes #3173501: Support lazyloading from lasysizes
- Support RTL autodetection for RTL and LTR multilingual websites #3173584: Auto-detect RTL

masonry 8.x-1.0

Bug fixes
New features

Stable release, both available on Drupal 8 and 9.


By going stable, we stabilized the way this module handles the libraries.

Depending on how you actually installed it the first time, you might have to go throught the installation documentation again to check every pre-requisites.

Update to this version might break your masonry installation until you make sure you properly download the masonry and imagesloaded dependencies as per expectations, either by hand or via composer (see instructions).

masonry 8.x-1.0-rc2

Update buildForm method name to more meaningfull buildSettingsForm method name.

masonry 8.x-1.0-rc1

Masonry API for Drupal 8

No upgrade path from D7 available, but none should be needed.

masonry 7.x-3.0-beta1

New features

First release of 7.x-3.x branch
This branch is compatible with Masonry 3.x :
- create a directory for imagesloaded in the libraries directory and then download the imagesloaded library from
- download and use Masonry v3 from and put it in your masonry library directory.

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