replicate 8.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Fixes an error when layout builder is not enabled

Contributors (1)



Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.1:

replicate 8.x-1.1

New features

This release has a critical bug for sites not using layout builder. Use 8.x-1.2 instead.

Drupal 10 compatibility, integration with layout builder

replicate 8.x-1.0

Bug fixes

Bugfixes and Drupal 9 compatibility

Contributors (3)

Berdir, Megha_kundar, yoruvo


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.0-rc1:

replicate 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes
New features

Main functionalities added in this release:

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