Scald is explicitly a back-end management system which does not have any strong "opinions" about how the data reaches it. A careful implementation of a WYSIWYG editor combined with "edit" and "display inside a post" Display Contexts is an obvious choice to fill out the "simple editing" user story from above, but it is by no means the only mechanism and Scald makes no promises or prohibitions about how input is recieved. Using Scald as a way to locally manage content from a user's YouTube or Flickr stream is one possibility which requires no local input mechanism for the actual media, just a way of allowing local users to post it.

In this section we will dive a little bit more in the technical details of the implementation of the Scald Module :

  • General Aspects of Scald API : Atom / Entities, Views integration, Pluggability
  • Scald Transcoders
  • Scald Core
  • Scald Drag and Drop library