How is it possible to have a profile box view on the side of each post? I want it to have the users nick on the side of the post, and under each nick more information of the user


Drave Robber’s picture

See Author Pane module.

Anonymous’s picture

Yes I have installed this, and added it to drupal using filezilla, and put authorpane under modules. I have activated authorpane in on my homepage.. but it has not been activated on the forum, and I cant find out where to edit the information that is supposed to be on the profile box.

Drave Robber’s picture

If you're using Advanced Forum, it should show up automatically; otherwise, there is a block in Admin > Site Building > Blocks (D6) or Structure > Blocks (D7) that must be enabled manually.

See also Author pane documentation.

Anonymous’s picture

I have now been into admin/block, and tried to put the "author pane block" onto different block structures, but I cant get it to be beside the post..