after step 5

1.Open http://drupal.org/project/drush and download and extract "All-versions-5.x-dev" to C:\ so drush.bat can be found at C:\drush\drush.bat.
2.Install the following external applications.
3.Use bsdtar for tar. Its more reliable. Copy the file C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\bsdtar.exe to C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\tar.exe
4.Set PATH environment variable to include drush, php, and binaries installed above.
add something like this line to the end of the current value
;C:\php;C:\drush;C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin
The semicolon separates the paths. Paths are those to: php.exe, drush.bat location,and tar/gzip/wget binaries. You will need to reopen your shell/command prompt window to have the path variables refreshed.
5.Open the Command Prompt, type "drush status" and hit enter. ..

i'm getting 'unable to decompress C:\drush\lib\druC6.tmp.bz2.' error
also ,in my C:\drush\lib new zip file is created
i'm using Windows XP SP3 32-bit


halicarnassus’s picture

I have already installed drush using cygwin and currently get this error.


oh, just use winrar or 7z to extract it then run Drush again.

tokyotokyo’s picture

i have tried that already
i'm getting the same error and a new zipped file in the C:\drush\lib folder

halicarnassus’s picture

Download newest Drush version. It works well when i extract druC6.tmp.bz2 to drush\lib using 7z.

tokyotokyo’s picture

i downloaded the latest 7.x5.6 Drush version
still i get the same result

Nux’s picture

Seems like Drush doesn't work with Composer on Windows...

You need to download drush zip and it works without installing anything:

Well almost works. You might have problems if you have some other PHP version installed... If you get init errors add this in your drush.bat:

loudmu’s picture

fellow this link and this will solve your problem http://drupal.org/node/1724108

asteroid.miner’s picture

This is an unresolved Windows issue, as far as I can tell.


Windows: "Unable to decompress" foo.tmp.bz2

mhamed.hmimid’s picture

The solution of this problem may be as i ve done:
install the last drush 8 module which is now
do not forget to install the gnuwin applications: libarchive ,bzip2,tar,wget,gzip
Open the path in the environment variables opened through :right click on the computer icon ,click properties advenced system settings / to open a dialogue box in the bottom click environment variables/ bouble click the path menu in the system variable list
to add all paths to direst the system to
programmes Files\GnuWin32/bin;C:\drush;C:\wamp;C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.4.4\bin;C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.6.12\bin;C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.16;C:\Git\cmd


HLopes’s picture

this issue by removing an extra space at the end of the Path environment variable

Char-Lez’s picture

The solution for me was to redo the installations on step 2 using the installers, and then to make sure the path was right.

Hope it helps.

stevecty’s picture

Hi guys,

I solved mine by adding (x86) after the Program Files.

Replace the ;C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin with
;C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin

Remember to restart cmd

Hope this helps.

rwilson0429’s picture

Removing extra spaces in the path variable worked for me. So, ensure that there are no spacing between the semi-colons that separate the paths. For example: "C:\drush;C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin" is good , however, C:\drush; C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin is not so good (note the space between drush; and C:).
