I am a new Chosen-module Maintainer and currently going over the whole Issue list.
Some of the problems are related to the plugin we are implementing, chosen from harvest.

I have postet already some comments over there, or redirected users to post their issues over there, because we are doing just the plugin implementation for Drupal.

Issues like the

  • The search string isn't visible on the blue backgrounded items (mouse hover or first item when searching)
  • The div has overflow "problems" when used in overlays (when chosen should go over the overlay's border) (#1670658)

The Problem seems to be a bit that a lot of things would be fixed, but the pull request are not getting accepted, and a lot of issues are still open.

Now I have found select2 which is a fork of the chosen module and seems to be more active in bugfixing etc. And I am thinking about to make it possible to load such forks also into the libraries folder and activate them.

I think because they are forks, that would be pretty simply and they should not get an completely own module. This should really just change the plugin we are using.

What do you think? Should this be fine, or should a fork have its completely own module in Drupal?

Here are the details of the fork I have found:


Hydra’s picture

Well, I'm not a maintainer, but I think it is a good idea. However, a lot of issues get solved by harvest, so I think it's not this critical. Select2 on the other hand provides a lot more of features.

There are a lot of implementations out there, which I think we should have a look on. Select2 support by chosen would be great, because non of the other modules have been successful (unlike chosen).


caschbre’s picture

I would be in favor of a single module (e.g. Chosen) that supports multiple libraries. Sort of like the wysiwyg module supports different libraries. Granted, it doesn't need to go to that extent, but I do think that some other libraries like select2 offer a lot of additional features.

revagomes’s picture


P2790’s picture