I have a collection in my nodetype with two fields

1) topics
2) locations

When I make a view I want to expose these filters to make it possible for users to select with what topics and locations they want to see nodes.

But when I make exposed views with these fields I cannot make it work.

If I add

Field: Location (field_location)
Appears in: field_collection_item:field_links_fields. Also known as: Field collection item: Location (field_location), Content: Location (field_location), Content: Location (field_location).

as exposed filter it deletes submit button for exposed filters.

When I add

Field collection item: Location (field_location)
This is an alias of Field: Location (field_location).

it deletes submit button for exposed filters as well. And then when I delete the exposed filter based on these field collection fields the submit button does not return again for this view.