Submitting new tests

Last updated on
23 February 2022

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A new feature file using existing step definitions can be attached as a text file or pasted into a comment of the issue. Everything else will be submitted as a patch.

Changes to the FeatureContext.php and any subcontext files should be submitted as patches. Patches should generally contain step definitions for a single scenario at a time.

Changes to an existing feature file should be submitted as a patch.

When adding an unsupported step to either a new feature file or to an existing feature file, add the scaffold for the step definition to the appropriate context.php file. It's not necessary to implement the step definition. In practice, this means when someone runs the test,

Instead of:

You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:
     * @Given /^I\'ve added a new step$/
    public function iVeAddedANewStep()
        throw new PendingException();

they should see:

    And I've added a new step                      # FeatureContext::iVeAddedANewStep()
      TODO: write pending definition

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